Alpha NU CLass
Fall 2021
Pledge Mom: Hanita Le & Vivian Phan (Alpha Iota Class)
Tina Cheung
Lineage: Gucci
Big Sis: Lydia Won ( Alpha Lambda Class)
Lil Sis: --
Birthday: February 20, 2002
Hometown: Arcadia, CA
Major: Biological Sciences
Ethnicity: Chinese
Positions Held: Secretary, Webmistress, Formals Chair
Random Fact:
Angel Hoang
Lineage: Princess
Big Sis: Nancy Nguyen (Alpha Kappa Class)
Lil Sis: Serena Ngyuen​
Birthday: January 21, 2000
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Major: Business Administration & Psychological Sciences
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Positions Held: Pmom, Formals Chair
Random Fact:

Nirvana Loi
Lineage: Princess
Big Sis: Trini Nguyen (Alpha Kappa Class)
Lil Sis: Bobbiann Dedicatoria
Birthday: January 17, 2001
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Major: Business Economics
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Positions Held: Sergeant of Arms, Formals Chair
Random Fact: I cannot parallel park
Hannah Pen
Lineage: Lora Wong
Big Sis: Julie Park (Alpha Kappa Class)
Lil Sis: --​
Birthday: August 7, 2003
Hometown: Monterey Park, CA
Major: International Studies
Ethnicity: Cambodian & Chinese
Positions Held: ICC Delegate, Rush Chair
Hobbies: Sewing, Working out, Eating
Random Fact: I have a smiley piercing :)